The Chugach region is the home to over 1,500 Tribal Members known as the Sugpiat (Alutiiq) and dAXunhyuu (Eyak), the Southcentral coastal people of Alaska. The seven Tribes span west from the Lower Cook Inlet through Prince William Sound and east to the Lower Copper River.
CRRC Proudly Serves
Seven Tribal Villages
Chenega (Caniqaq), Cordova (IiyaaGdaad), Nanwalek, Port Graham
(Paluwik), Seward (Qutalleq), Tatitlek (Taatiilaaq), and Valdez.
CRRC Proudly Serves
Seven Tribal Villages
Chenega (Caniqaq), Cordova (IiyaaGdaad), Nanwalek, Port Graham
(Paluwik), Seward (Qutalleq), Tatitlek (Taatiilaaq), and Valdez.
Our Mission
To protect, rebuild, and conserve the Chugach environment and natural resources while promoting Tribal sovereignty and the protection of a subsistence lifestyle. We strive to assure bio-cultural restoration and conservation, sound economic development, and stewardship of the natural resources in the traditional use areas of the Chugach region while bringing Tribal voices to the forefront of natural resource management processes.
We are the leading inter-Tribal fish and wildlife commission. The CRRC is founded as a community-based, Alaska Native, natural resource management organization. Community resiliency and self-determination are central threads interwoven throughout all our activities.
Suumacirpet Asirpiartuq
– Our Way of Living Is the Best
We build a resilient future for our people.
Engage in marine research and mariculture economic development
Facilitate fish and wildlife conservation and research
Develop climate change
research and monitoring efforts
Build marine mammal conservation and management plans for the region
Protect our lands and habitat
Bring Tribal voices to the natural resource management process
Provide educational
Play a leading role in the management of the subsistence harvest of migratory birds
Foster food sovereignty
Honoring Our Plentiful
Lands & Waters
Through guidance from our member Tribes, CRRC brings Tribal voices to the natural resource management process in the Chugach region. We approach research and restoration to provide positive impacts, sustainable use of our resources, and community resilience.
Help to Support
Our Mission
We humbly ask you to support our efforts in assuring the conservation, sound economic development, and stewardship of the natural resources in the traditional territory of the Chugach region.