Lisngaluni Gwani Internship Program
“Things to Be Learned Here”
Hello Interns!
CRRC is seeking highly motivated and energetic students interested in participating in a semester-long (12-week) internship. The internship position may be located in any of CRRC’s major departments in any of our communities. Interns will assist the respective program managers in duties that encompass a wide variety of topics. These include education and outreach, natural resource policy, social science, marine and terrestrial biology, and ocean chemistry. All of these topics will maintain CRRC’s mission of a strong focus on Tribal natural resource advocacy. Internship hours completed with CRRC and APMI may be used to fulfill high school and college course credit requirements as determined on an individual basis.
CRRC Is Now Offering
Internships in the
Following Departments
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Administrative Assistant
Grant Management
& Outreach
CORaL Network
IQSAK K–12 Learning Program
Environmental Monitoring
Climate Change Program
Tribal Conservation District
Fish & Wildlife
Marine Mammal Program
Subsistence Program
Natural Resource Management Program
Wildlife Biology Projects/Studies
Fish Biology Projects/Studies
Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute
This opportunity is a 12-week internship located at our facility in Seward and is geared toward our Chugach Regional Ocean Monitoring (CROM) Program, harmful algal bloom monitoring, aquaculture, and mariculture initiatives.