We have welcomed a cold start to summer this quarter and are excited to share program updates. The Chugach Regional Ocean Monitoring (CROM) program has been observing water quality, and the Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute hosted a biotoxin monitoring workshop in Seward...
Keep up with the latest news!
2023 • Chugach Regional Resources Commission Annual Gathering
CRRC Gathering 2023
CRRC 2023 Q2 Newsletter
CRRC started the quarter by attending conferences around the state and closed out the quarter celebrating with community members at the 21st annual subsistence memorial gathering in Anchorage. We are looking forward to the summer and some warmer weather!CRRC hosted...
Community Coastal Experience 2023
Embracing culture and science throughout the Gulf of Alaska. The CORaL Network is excited to announce the launch of our first 5-week Community Coastal Experience, an opportunity for adults ages 18+ to explore career and internship pathways in: marine science,...
CRRC 2023 Q1 Newsletter
A new year, already? CRRC is excited for the new year and eager to share what our team has been up to in quarter one! With solstice behind us, we are looking forward to longer days and are feeling refreshed from the holiday break. We had time to reflect on this past...
CRRC 2022 Q4 Newsletter
Quarter three has flown by! Our team has been busy training samplers on how to sample for Ocean Acidification (OA) and for Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) at the HAB Workshop in Seward, Alaska, co-hosting Tribal Climate Camp, and checking in on our kelp arrays in the...
CRRC 2022 Q3 Newsletter
Quarter three has flown by! Our team has been busy training water samplers throughout the region, installing a new mural at the APMI facility, preparing for kelp season, validating toxin testing in our lab, welcoming interns, monitoring harmful algal blooms, and so...
Community Organized Restoration and Learning CORaL Network
Project Information Title: Community Organized Restoration and Learning [CORaL] Network 22220400 Project Year and Number: 2022: 22220400 Other Fiscal Years and Numbers for this Project: None Principal Investigator (PI): Wei Ying Wong (Alaska SeaLife Center) Managing...
CRRC July 2022 Newsletter
Chugach Regional Resources CommissionMonthly COVID Update Chugach Regional Resources Commission (CRRC) received a grant from the Center for Disease Control to promote health and wellbeing in our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant disruptions...
CORaL Network Brings Together Six Alaskan Conservation Organizations
(Photo Above: Hunter Simeonoff, a CORaL summer intern at the Alutiiq Museum, participates in excavations at the Nunalleq site, Kodiak Island, June 2022. Photo Courtesy of the Alutiiq Museum)Organizations in the CORaL Network:EVOSTC (Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee...
2022 • Chugach Regional Resources Commission Annual Gathering
CRRC Gathering 2022 • Our Subsistence Resources
CRRC June 2022 Newsletter
Chugach Regional Resources CommissionMonthly COVID Update Chugach Regional Resources Commission (CRRC) received a grant from the Center for Disease Control to promote health and wellbeing in our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant disruptions...
CRRC 2022 Q2 Newsletter
The past quarter was a big one for Chugach Regional Resources Commission.(CRRC) and Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute (APMI). After two years being postponed due to COVID, we were able to hold our 20th Annual Memorial Gathering. We have been hosting an annual Subsistence...
CRRC May 2022 Newsletter
Chugach Regional Resources CommissionMonthly COVID Update Chugach Regional Resources Commission (CRRC) received a grant from the Center for Disease Control to promote health and wellbeing in our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant disruptions...
CRRC April 2022 Newsletter
Chugach Regional Resources CommissionMonthly COVID Update Chugach Regional Resources Commission (CRRC) received a grant from the Center for Disease Control to promote health and wellbeing in our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant disruptions...
CRRC March 2022 Newsletter
Chugach Regional Resources CommissionMonthly COVID Update Chugach Regional Resources Commission (CRRC) received a grant from the Center for Disease Control to promote health and wellbeing in our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant disruptions...
CRRC 2022 Q1 Newsletter
2021 was an exciting year for Chugach Regional Resource Commission (CRRC) and Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute (APMI). We established a new monitoring program, the Chugach Regional Ocean Monitoring program, which examines ocean chemistry, harmful algae, and shellfish...
CRRC February 2022 Newsletter
Chugach Regional Resources CommissionMonthly COVID Update Chugach Regional Resources Commission (CRRC) received a grant from the Center for Disease Control to promote health and wellbeing in our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant disruptions...
CRRC January 2022 Newsletter
Chugach Regional Resources CommissionMonthly COVID Update Chugach Regional Resources Commission (CRRC) received a grant from the Center for Disease Control to promote health and wellbeing in our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant disruptions...
CRRC December 2021 Newsletter
Chugach Regional Resources CommissionMonthly COVID Update Chugach Regional Resources Commission (CRRC) received a grant from the Center for Disease Control to promote health and wellbeing in our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant disruptions...